movieSUM: Movie Summarization and Skimming Demonstrator Showcase Software


movieSUM is a MATLAB-based toolbox for audiovisual saliency-based automatic movie summarization. It has been developed in collaboration between ICCS-NTUA, TSI-TUC, and AUTH. It is an implementation of a saliency-based movie summarizer in terms of dynamic skims and static key-frames. Summarization is based on extracted audio, visual and audiovisual saliency (importance) curves form the corresponding audio and visual information streams.

See here for a description of movieSUM. The software package and related demo files will be made publicly available soon through this page or a dedicated Wiki page.


Financial support for this software has been provided by the FP6 European Network of Excellence MUSCLE, under contract no. IST-FP6-507752. This is gratefully acknowledged.