Principal Researcher at ATHENA R.C. (2019-today)
Institute for Language and Speech Processing
tel: (+30) 210-687 5405
email: nkatsam at athenarc dot gr
[Feb 1, 2019] Principal Researcher at ATHENA R.C.
Joined the Institute for Language and Speech Processing as a Principal Researcher.
[June 10, 2014] Data and tools for distant speech recognition
Our paper on building a dataset for distant speech recognition and the corresponding baseline will be presented at Interspeech 2014.
[June 10, 2014] ATHENA database: real voice data in an office environment
Our paper describing a new database of real multichannel recordings in an office environment will be presented at Interspeech 2014. The database will be publicly released in September.
[May 28th, 2014] Multichannel voice activity detection and robust speaker localization
We will be presenting our current approach for voice activity detection and speaker localization at Eusipco 2014.
[May 21st, 2014] Multimodal gesture recognition
Our multimodal gesture recognition system outperforms all other participants in the CHALEARN challenge. The system will be presented at ICIP 2014.
[March 12th, 2014] ATHENA's voice activity detection and speaker localization
Our paper on voice activity detection and speaker localization has been accepted for presentation at HSCMA 2014.
[February 3rd, 2014] Multichannel processing for far-field recognition
Our paper on distant keyword spotting and speech recognition for home automation has been accepted for presentation at ICASSP 2014.
[September 5th, 2013] SailAlign-v1.3.0 released
A new version of SailAlign has been relased. It now supports Spanish and can run on OSX. Further, the source code is now shared via github. Check the SailAlign webpage.