Page moved!
This web page is no longer updated. I have successfully defended my PhD thesis
at NTUA and I have moved to UCLA as a postdoctoral scholar. Please visit my new
web home page.
I am a CVSP group member, working towards my PhD in the areas of image
analysis, computer vision, and multimodal processing. My PhD thesis advisor is Prof. Petros Maragos. I completed my undergraduate
studies in the ECE school of NTUA in 2003, also working for 18 months
(2001-2003) as a research
assistant at the Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications
(IIT), Demokritos National
Center for Scientific Research.
During the summer of 2006 I visited Prof. Anil
Kokaram's Sigmedia group at
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. Here is my CV.
I successfully defended my thesis in July 2009 and
in October 2009 I moved to UCLA as a postdoctoral fellow,
joining Prof. Alan Yuille's
group. Please visit my new
web home page.
We have recently organized at NTUA a one-day workshop in Athens, whose topic has been
digital technologies applied to cultural heritage applications, focusing on
Akrotiri, Thera.
[Workshop page...]
My research is in the following areas:
Digital Restoration of Missing Parts in the Pre-historic Wall Paintings of Thera
I have been working on PDE and wavelet-based techniques for the
digital restoration of missing parts in paintings. This is part of an
ongoing project on the virtual restoration of the 3,600 years old
wall paintings excavated in the pre-historic Aegean settlement in Akrotiri,
Thera, Greece.
[Read more...]
[Project page...]
Audio-Visual Speech Recognition
Audiovisual speech recognition refers to the problem of
recognizing speech by lipreading. We have developed highly
adaptive multimodal fusion rules based on uncertainty
compensation which are compatible with synchronous and
asynchronous multimodal interaction
architectures. Further, our
work on AAM-based face representations leads to
highly informative visual speech features which can be
extracted in real-time.
[Read more...]
Multigrid Geometric Active Contours
We investigate multigrid techniques for the solution
of the time-dependent PDEs of geometric active contour
models in Computer Vision. The method allows
interactive solution of models whose numerical
implementation with conventional techniques has been
prohibitively slow.
[Read more...]
Audio-Visual Speech Inversion
We focus on recovering aspects of vocal tract’s geometry
and dynamics from speech, a problem referred to as speech
inversion. In our inversion scheme ambiguities inherent to
audio-only inversion are resolved by also exploiting visual
information from the speaker’s face.
[Read more...]
Automatic Scale Selection in Nonlinear Scale-Spaces
We consider optimal scale selection for fully automatic image
denoising in nonlinear diffusion or morphological scale-spaces. The
problem is studied from a statistical model selection viewpoint and
we employ cross-validation statistical techniques to address it in a
principled way.
Journal Publications
- S. Lefkimmiatis, P. Maragos, and G. Papandreou,
Bayesian Inference on Multiscale Models for Poisson Intensity Estimation: Applications to Photon-Limited Image Denoising,
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 18, no. 8, pp. 1724-1741, Aug. 2009.
- G. Papandreou, A. Katsamanis, V. Pitsikalis, and P. Maragos,
Adaptive Multimodal Fusion by Uncertainty Compensation with Application to Audio-Visual Speech Recognition,
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 423-435, Mar. 2009.
[Read more...]
- A. Katsamanis, G. Papandreou, and P. Maragos,
Face Active Appearance Modeling and Speech Acoustic Information to Recover Articulation,
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 411-422, Mar. 2009.
[Read more...]
- G. Papandreou and P. Maragos,
Multigrid Geometric Active Contour Models,
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 229-240, Jan. 2007.
[Read more...]
Conference Publications
- S. Lefkimmiatis, G. Papandreou and P. Maragos,
Poisson-Haar Transform: A Nonlinear Multiscale Representation for Photon-Limited Image Denoising,
Proc. IEEE Int'l Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP-09), Cairo, Egypt, Nov. 7-11, 2009.
- S. Lefkimmiatis, G. Papandreou and P. Maragos,
Photon-Limited Image Denoising by Inference on Multiscale Models,
Proc. IEEE Int'l Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP-08), San Diego, CA, U.S.A., Oct. 12-15, 2008.
- A. Katsamanis, G. Ananthakrishnan, G. Papandreou, P. Maragos, O. Engwall,
Audiovisual Speech Inversion by Switching Dynamical Modeling Governed by a Hidden Markov Process,
Proc. 16th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO-08), Lausanne, Switzerland, Aug. 2008.
- G. Papandreou and P. Maragos,
Adaptive and Constrained Algorithms for Inverse Compositional Active Appearance Model Fitting,
Proc. IEEE Int'l Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR-08), Anchorage, AK, June 2008.
- G. Papandreou, P. Maragos, and A. Kokaram,
Image Inpainting with a Wavelet Domain Hidden Markov Tree Model,
Proc. IEEE Int'l Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal
Processing (ICASSP-08), pp. 773-776, Las Vegas, NV, U.S.A., Mar.-Apr. 2008.
- A. Katsamanis, G. Papandreou, and P. Maragos,
Audiovisual-to-Articulatory Speech Inversion Using Active Appearance Models for the Face and Hidden Markov Models for the Dynamics,
Proc. IEEE Int'l Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP-08), pp. 2237-2240, Las Vegas, NV, U.S.A., Mar.-Apr. 2008.
- G. Papandreou, A. Katsamanis, V. Pitsikalis, and P. Maragos,
Multimodal Fusion and Learning with Uncertain Features Applied to Audiovisual Speech Recognition,
Proc. IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP-07), pp. 264-267, Chania, Greece, October 1-3, 2007.
- A. Katsamanis, G. Papandreou, and P. Maragos,
Audiovisual-to-Articulatory Inversion Using Hidden Markov Models,
Proc. IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP-07), pp. 457-460, Chania, Greece, October 1-3, 2007.
- V. Pitsikalis, A. Katsamanis, G. Papandreou, and P. Maragos,
Adaptive Multimodal Fusion by Uncertainty Compensation,
Proc. Int'l Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP-06), pp. 2458-2461, Pittsburgh PA, USA, Sep. 17-21, 2006.
- A. Katsamanis, G. Papandreou, V. Pitsikalis, and P. Maragos,
Multimodal Fusion by Adaptive Compensation for Feature Uncertainty with Application to Audiovisual Speech Recognition,
Proc. 14th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO-06), Florence, Italy, Sept. 4-8 2006.
- G. Papandreou and P. Maragos,
Image Denoising in Nonlinear Scale-Spaces: Automatic Scale Selection Via Cross-Validation,
Proc. Int'l Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP-05), Genova, Italy, September 2005.
- G. Papandreou and P. Maragos,
A Cross-Validatory Statistical Approach to Scale Selection for Image Denoising by Nonlinear Diffusion,
Proc. IEEE Int'l Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR-05), San Diego, CA, June 2005.
- G. Papandreou and P. Maragos,
A Fast Multigrid Implicit Algorithm for the Evolution of Geodesic Active Contours,
Proc. IEEE Int'l Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR-04), Washington DC, June 2004.
[Read more...]
Book Chapters
- G. Papandreou, A. Katsamanis, V. Pitsikalis and P. Maragos,
Adaptive Multimodal Fusion by Uncertainty Compensation with
Application to Audio-Visual Speech Recognition,
in Multimodal Processing and Interaction: Audio, Video, Text,
edited by P. Maragos, A. Potamianos, and P. Gros, chapter 4, pp. 111-126,
Springer-Verlag, New York, 2008.
[chapter doi]
[book doi]
- P. Maragos, P. Gros, A. Katsamanis and G. Papandreou,
Cross-Modal Integration for Performance Improving in Multimedia: A Review,
in Multimodal Processing and Interaction: Audio, Video, Text,
edited by P. Maragos, A. Potamianos, and P. Gros, chapter 1, pp. 3-48,
Springer-Verlag, New York, 2008.
[chapter doi]
[book doi]
- G. Papandreou,
Image Analysis and Computer Vision: Theory and Applications in the Restoration of Ancient Wall Paintings,(in greek)
ECE School PhD Thesis, 2009. Thesis supervisor: Prof. P. Maragos.
[defense slides]
- G. Papandreou,
Fast Algorithms for the Evolution of Geodesic Active Contours with Applications in Computer Vision,(in greek)
ECE School Diploma Thesis, 2003. Thesis supervisor: Prof. P. Maragos.
I am the author of the following open-source software which builds on my
computer vision research:
GAC++: A toolbox for geometric active contours and other related
PDE-based computer vision models. See here.
AAMtools: A toolbox for building Active Appearance Models
and fitting them to still and moving images. See here.