I was born in Thessaloniki, Greece and received my Diploma degree in Media Engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden in September 2006. My Master's degree thesis, which was conducted at the Department of Speech, Music and Hearing (TMH – Fant Laboratorium), under the supervision of Kjetil Falkenberg Hansen and Prof. Anders Askenfelt, was in music acoustics and specifically the sound of clarinet. This thesis was an unofficial part of the European project VEMUS.
Since January 2007 I was a Ph.D. candidate in CVSP group - at the Electrical and Computer Engineering School
in the National Technical University of Athens, Greece - under the supervision of Prof. Petros Maragos in the general areas of Audio and Multimedia Processing.
During this period, I partially participated in the EU MUSCLE project, with human movie annotation and human evaluations. My research interests lie in the areas of music information retrieval and audio processing and include analysis and recognition.
In December 2013 I received my PhD degree; the thesis is entitled "Music Signal Processing and Applications in Recognition".
For my doctoral studies in the area of MIR since February 2011, my research has been co-financed by the European Union (European Social Fund - ESF)
and Greek national funds through the Operational Program "Education and Lifelong Learning" of the National Strategic
Reference Framework (NSRF) - Research Funding Program: Heracleitus II.
Investing in knowledge society through the European Social Fund.
Since then I work, as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Computer Vision, Speech Communication & Signal Processing Group (CVSP) at NTUA and at the Robotics Institute of Athena RC working on different projects, funded by the European Commission and Greek Ministry of Education, in the areas of music and audio signal processing and specifically the analysis of music signals using computational methods aiming in their automatic recognition. I has also worked on various research projects supervising and coordinating various research sub-groups aiming to develop systems and interfaces for human-machine/robot interaction (HCI/HRI) in STEM applications and in assisting children or elderly. I has long-term experience in EU research programs (I-SUPPORT, I-MuSciCa) and Greek programs (COGNIMUSE, e-Prevention), participating in research, coordinating and supervising research sub-groups, while also communicating with the project partners.
Currently, as a research associate at the Institute of Language and Speech Processing (ILSP) and the Robotics Institute / Athena RC, I am responsible for the coordination of the i-MRePlay: Smart personalized music recommendation and playlist generation project under the 3rd Call for H.F.R.I Research Project to Support Post-Doctoral Fellows.
I have also studied musicology for four semesters at Stockholm University in Sweden. It is not hard to understand that
when not studying my biggest obsession is music – listening, reading, playing and talking about it.
Some of my other interests are photography and photo editing, books, movies and travelling.
Journal Publications
- G. Evangelopoulos, A. Zlatintsi, A. Potamianos, P. Maragos, K. Rapantzikos, G. Skoumas and Y. Avrithis,
Multimodal Saliency and Fusion for Movie Summarization based on Aural, Visual, and Textual Attention,
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 15, no. 7, Nov. 2013.
- A. Zlatintsi and P. Maragos,
Multiscale Fractal Analysis of Musical Instrument Signals with Application to Recognition,
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, Vol.21, No.4, Apr.2013.
- Zlatintsi, P. Koutras, G. Evangelopoulos, N. Malandrakis, N. Efthymiou, K. Pastra, A. Potamianos and P. Maragos,
COGNIMUSE: A Multimodal Video Database Annotated with Saliency, Events, Semantics and Emotion with Application to Summarization,
EURASIP on Image and Video Processing, Aug. 2017, 2017:54. DOI 10.1186/s13640-017-0194-1
- A. Zlatintsi, A.C. Dometios, N. Kardaris, I. Rodomagoulakis, P. Koutras, X. Papageorgiou, P. Maragos, C.S. Tzafestas, P. Vartholomeos, K. Hauer, C. Werner, R. Annicchiarico, M.G. Lombardi, F. Adriano, T. Asfour, A.M. Sabatini, C. Laschi, M. Cianchetti, A. Guler, I. Kokkinos, B. Klein, R. López,
I-Support: A robotic platform of an assistive bathing robot for the elderly population
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 126, Apr. 2020.
- C. Werner, N. Kardaris, P. Koutras, A. Zlatintsi, P. Maragos, J. M. Bauer, and K. Hauer,
Improving gesture-based interaction between an assistive bathing robot and older adults via user training on the gestural commands,
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 87, 2020. [DOI.]
- K. Kritsis, C. Garoufis, A. Zlatintsi, M. Bouillon, C. Acosta, D. Martin-Albo, R. Piechaud, P. Maragos, and V. Katsouros,
iMuSciCA Workbench: Web-based Music Activities For Science Education,
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society} (JAES), Vol. 68, Issue 10, pp. 738-746, October 2020.
- A. Zlatintsi, P. P. Filntisis, C. Garoufis, N. Efthymiou, P. Maragos, A. Manychtas, I. Maglogiannis, P. Tsanakas, T. Sounapoglou, E. Kalisperakis, T. Karantinos, M. Lazaridi, V. Garyfali, A. Mantas, L. Mantonakis, and N. Smyrnis,
e-Prevention: Advanced Support System for Monitoring and Relapse Prevention in Patients with Psychotic Disorders Analysing Long-Term Multimodal Data from Wearables
and Video Captures , Sensors, Special Issue “AI for Biomedical Sensing and Imaging” 22(19), 7544, Oct. 2022. DOI:
- E. Kalisperakis, T. Karantinos, M. Lazaridi, V. Garyfalli, P.P. Filntisis, A. Zlatintsi, N. Efthymiou, A. Mantas,
L. Mantonakis, T. Mougiakos, I. Maglogiannis, P. Tsanakas, P. Maragos and N. Smyrnis,
Smartwatch digital
phenotypes predict positive and negative symptom variation in a longitudinal monitoring study of patients
with psychotic disorders, Frontiers in Psychiatry, Sec. Digital Mental Health, Vol. 14, March2023.
- A. Zlatintsi, P. P. Filntisis, N. Efthymiou, C. Garoufis, G. Retsinas, T. Sounapoglou, I. Maglogiannis,
P. Tsanakas, N. Smyrnis and P. Maragos,
Person Identification and Relapse Detection from Continuous
Recordings of Biosignals Challenge: Overview and Results,
IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing, accepted for publication – to appear, Nov. 2023
Conference Publications
- C. Garoufis, A. Zlatintsi and P. Maragos,
Pre-Training Music Classification Models via Music Source
Separation, arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.15845, 2023.
- C. Garoufis, A. Zlatintsi and P. Maragos,
Multi-Source Contrastive Learning from Musical Audio”, in Proc.
of Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC-2023), Stockholm, Sweden, June, 2023.
- D. Charitou, C. Garoufis, A. Zlatintsi and P. Maragos,
Exploring Polyphonic Accompaniment Generation
using Generative Adversial Networks, in Proc. of Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC-2023),
Stockholm, Sweden, June, 2023.
- A. Zlatintsi, P. P. Filntisis, N. Efthymiou, C. Garoufis, G. Retsinas, T. Sounapoglou, I. Maglogiannis, P.
Tsanakas, N. Smyrnis and P. Maragos,
e-Prevention: The ICASSP-2023 Challenge On Person Identification
and Relapse Detection from Continuous Recordings of Biosignals, in Proc. IEEE Int’l Conf. on Acoustics,
Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP-2023), Rhodes Island, June 2023.
- E. Fekas, A. Zlatintsi, P. P. Filntisis, C. Garoufis, N. Efthymiou and P. Maragos,
Relapse Prediction from Long-Term Wearable Data using Self-Supervised Learning and Survival Analysis, in Proc. of 48th Int'l Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP-2023), Rhodes Island, June 2023.
- N. Efthymiou, G. Retsinas, P. P. Filntisis, A. Zlatintsi, E. Kalisperakis, V. Garyfalli, T. Karantinos, M. Lazaridi, N. Smyrnis and P. Maragos,
From Digital Phenotype Identification To Detection Of Psychotic Relapses, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, Houston, TX, USA, June, 2023.
- M. Panagiotou, A. Zlatintsi, P. P. Filntisis, A. J. Roumeliotis, N. Efthymiou, P. Maragos,
A Comparative
Study of Autoencoder Architectures for Mental Health Analysis using Wearable Sensors Data, in Proc. 30th
European Signal Processing Conf., (EUSIPCO–22), Beligrade, Serbia, 2022.
- C. Garoufis, A. Zlatintsi, P. P. Filntisis, N. Efthymiou, E. Kalisperakis, T. Karantinos, V. Garyfalli, M.
Lazaridi, N. Smyrnis and P. Maragos,
Towards Unsupervised Subject-Independent Speech-Based Relapse
Detextion in Patients with Psychosis using Variational Autoencoders, in Proc. 30th European Signal
Processing Conf., (EUSIPCO–22), Beligrade, Serbia, 2022.
- Avramidis, C. Garoufis, A. Zlatintsi and P. Maragos,
Enhancing Affective Representations of
Music-Induced EEG Through Multimodal Supervision and Latent Domain Adaptation, in Proc. IEEE Int’l
Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, (ICASSP–22), Singapore, China, 2022.
C. Garoufis ,A. Zlatintsi, P. P. Filntisis, N. Efthymiou, E. Kalisperakis, V. Garyfalli, T. Karantinos, L. Mantonakis, N. Smyrnis and P. Maragos,
An Unsupervised Learning Approach for Detecting Relapses from Spontaneous Speech in Patients with Psychosis,
in Proc. IEEE-EMBS Int’l Conf. on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI’21) Jointly Organized with the 17th IEEE-EMBS Int’l Conf. on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN’21)(BHI-BSN–21), 2021.
C. Garoufis, A. Zlatintsi, and P. Maragos,
HTMD-Net: A Hybrid Masking-Denoising Approach toTime-Domain Monaural Singing Voice Separation,
in Proc. 29th European Signal Processing Conf.,(EUSIPCO–21), 2021.
K. Avramidis, A. Zlatintsi, C. Garoufis, and P. Maragos,
Multiscale Fractal Analysis on EEG Signals for Music-Induced Emotion Recognition,
in Proc. 29th European Signal Processing Conf.,(EUSIPCO–21), 2021.
K. Avramidis, A. Kratimenos, C. Garoufis, A. Zlatintsi, and P. Maragos,
Deep Convolutional and RecurrentNetworks for Polyphonic Instrument Classification from Monophonic Raw Audio Waveforms,
in Proc.IEEE Int’l Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, (ICASSP–21).
P. P. Filntisis, A. Zlatintsi, N. Efthymiou, E. Kalisperakis, T. Karantinos, M. Lazaridi, N. Smyrnis, P. Maragos,
Identifying differences in physical activity and autonomic function patterns between psychotic patients and controls over a long period of continuous monitoring using wearable sensors, in arXiv:2011.02285v1[cs.CY], 30 Oct 2020.
K. Avramidis, A. Zlatintsi, C. Garoufis, and P. Maragos,
Multiscale Fractal Analysis of Stimulated EEGSignals with Application to Emotion Classification,
in arXiv:2010.16310v1 [cs.LG], 30 Oct 2020.
A. Kratimenos, K. Avramidis, C. Garoufis, A. Zlatintsi, and P. Maragos,
Augmentation Methods OnMonophonic Audio For Instrument Classification In Polyphonic Music, in Proc.28th European SignalProcessing Conf., (EUSIPCO–20), Amsterdam, Holland, Jan. 2020.
- I. Maglogiannis, A. Zlatintsi, A. Menychtas, D. Papadimatos, P.P. Filntisis, N. Efthymiou, G. Retsinas, P. Tsanakas, and P. Maragos,
An intelligent cloud-based platform for effective monitoring of patients with psychotic disorders,
in Proc. Int'l Conf. on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovation (AIAI-2020), Halkidiki, Greece, 5-7 June, 2020.
- C. Garoufis, A. Zlatintsi and P. Maragos,
An LSTM-based Dynamic Chord Progression Generation System for Interactive Music Performance,
in Proc. 45th IEEE Int'l Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP-2020), May 2020.
- G. Retsinas, P.P. Filntisis, N. Efthymiou, E. Theodosis, A. Zlatintsi and P. Maragos,
Person Identification Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks On Short-term Signals From Wearable Sensors,
in Proc. 45th IEEE Int'l Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP-2020), May 2020.
- C. Garoufis, A. Zlatintsi, K. Kritsis, P.P. Filntisis, V. Katsouros, and P. Maragos,
An Environment for Gestural Interaction with 3D Virual Musical Instruments as an Educational Tool,
in Proc. 27th European Conf.(EUSIPCO-19), A Coruna, Spain, Sep. 2019.
- N. Gkanatsios, V. Pitsikalis, P. Koutras, A. Zlatintsi and P. Maragos,
Deeply Supervised Multimodal Attentional Translation Embeddings For Visual Relationship Detection,
in Proc. of IEEE Int'l Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP-19) Taipei, Taiwan, Sep. 2019.
- A. Zlatintsi, P.P. Filntisis, C. Garoufis, A. Tsiami, K. Kritsis, M.A. Kaliakatsos-Papakostas, A. Gkiokas, V. Katsouros, and P. Maragos
A Web-based Real-Time Kinect Application for Gestural Interaction with Virtual Musical Instruments,
in Proc. Audio Mostly Conference (AM'18), Wrexham, North Wales, UK, Sep. 2018.
- C. Garoufis, A. Zlatintsi and P. Maragos
A Collaborative System for Composing Music via Motion Using a Kinect Sensor and Skeletal Data,
in Proc. Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC-2018), Limassol, Cyprus, 4-7 July, 2018.
- P. Koutras, A. Zlatintsi and Petros Maragos,
Exploring CNN-based architectures for Multimodal Salient Event Detection in Videos,
in Proc. 13th IEEE Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing (IVMSP) Workshop, Zagori, Greece, June 2018.
- G. Bouritsas, P. Koutras, A. Zlatintsi and Petros Maragos,
Multimodal Visual Concept Learning with Weakly Supervised Techniques,
in Proc. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, June 2018.
- A. Zlatintsi, I. Rodomagoulakis, P. Koutras, A. C. Dometios, V. Pitsikalis, C. S. Tzafestas and P. Maragos,
Multimodal Signal Processing and Learning Aspects of Human-Robot Interaction for an Assistive Bathing Robot,
in Proc. Int'l Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP-2018), Calgary, Canada, Apr. 2018.
- G. Karamanolakis, E. Iosif, A. Zlatintsi, A. Pikrakis and A. Potamianos,
Audio-based Distributional Semantic Models for Music Auto-tagging and Similarity Measurement,
in Proc. of MultiLearn2017: Multimodal Processing, Modeling and Learning for Human-Computer/Robot Interaction Workshop, in cojuction with European Conf. EUSIPCO-2017, Kos, Greece, Aug-Sep., 2017.
- A. Zlatintsi, I. Rodomagoulakis, V. Pitsikalis, P. Koutras, N. Kardaris, X. Papageorgiou, C. Tzafestas and P. Maragos,
Social Human-Robot Interaction for the Elderly: Two Real-life Use Cases,
ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction Proceedings HRI '17, Vienna, Austria, March 6-9, 2017.
- G. Panagiotaropoulou, P. Koutras, A. Katsamanis, P. Maragos, A. Zlatintsi, A. Protopapas, E. Karavasilis and N. Smyrnis,
fMRI-based Perceptual Validation of a computational Model for Visual and Auditory Saliency in Videos,
in Proc. of IEEE Int'l Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP-2016), Phoenix, AZ, USA, Sept. 2016.
- G. Karamanolakis, E. Iosif, A. Zlatintsi, A. Pikrakis and A. Potamianos,
Audio-Based Distributional Representations of Meaning Using a Fusion of Feature Encodings,
Interspeech, 2016.
- G. Karamanolakis, E. Iosif, A. Zlatintsi, A. Pikrakis and A. Potamianos,
Audio-based Distributional Semantic Models for Music Auto-tagging and Similarity Measurement,
arXiv:1612.08391v1 [cs.IR], 26 Dec 2016.
- A. Zlatintsi, E.Iosif, P. Maragos and A. Potamianos
Audio Salient Event Detection and Summarization using Audio and Text Modalities,
Proc. European Conf. EUSIPCO-2015, Nice, France, 2015.
- P. Koutras, A. Zlatintsi, E.Iosif, A. Katsamanis, P. Maragos and A. Potamianos
Predicting Audio-Visual Salient Events Based on Visual, Audio and Text Modalities for Movie Summarization,
Proc. Int'l Conf. ICIP-2015, Quebec, Canada, 2015.
- A. Zlatintsi, P. Koutras, N. Efthymiou, P. Maragos, A. Potamianos and K. Pastra
Quality Evaluation of Computational Models for Movie Summarization,
Proc. 7th Int'l. Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX-2015), Costa Navarino, Messinia, Greece, May 2015.
- A. Zlatintsi and P. Maragos,
Comparison of Different Representations Based on Nonlinear Features for Music Genre Classification,
Proc. 22nd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO-2014), Lisbon, Portugal, Sep. 2014.
- A. Zlatintsi and P. Maragos,
AM-FM Modulation Features for Music Instrument Signal Analysis and Recognition,
Proc. 20th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO-2012), Bucharest, Romania, Aug. 2012.
- A. Zlatintsi, P. Maragos, A. Potamianos and G. Evangelopoulos,
A Saliency-Based Approach to Audio Event Detection and Summarization,
Proc. 20th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO-2012), Bucharest, Romania, Aug. 2012.
- A. Zlatintsi and P. Maragos,
Musical Instruments Signal Analysis and Recognition Using Fractal Features,
Proc. 19th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO-2011), Barcelona, Spain, Aug.-Sep. 2011.
- N. Malandrakis, A. Potamianos, G. Evangelopoulos and A. Zlatintsi,
A Supervised Approach to Movie Emotion Tracking,
Proc. Int'l Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP-2011), pp. 2376-2379,
Prague, Czech Republic, May 2011.
- G. Evangelopoulos, A. Zlatintsi, G. Skoumas, K. Rapantzikos, A. Potamianos, P. Maragos, Y. Avrithis,
Video Event Detection and Summarization Using Audio, Visual and Text Saliency,
Proc. IEEE Int'l Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP-2009), Taipei, Taiwan, Apr. 19-24, 2009.
- D. Spachos, A. Zlatintsi, V. Moschou, P. Antonopoulos, E. Benetos, M. Kotti, K. Tzimouli,C. Kotropoulos, N. Nikolaidis, P. Maragos and I. Pitas,
MUSCLE Movie Database: A Multimodal Corpus With Rich Annotation For Dialogue And Saliency Detection,
Proc. Int'l Conf. on Language Resources and Evaluation, (LREC-2008), Marrakech, Morocco, May 2008.
- G. Evangelopoulos, K. Rapantzikos, A. Potamianos, P. Maragos, A. Zlatintsi, Y. Avrithis,
Movie Summarization based on Audiovisual Saliency Detection,
Proc. IEEE Int'l Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP-2008), San Diego, CA, U.S.A., Oct. 12-15, 2008, pp. 2528-2531.
PhD Thesis
- A. Zlatintsi,
Music Signal Processing and Applications in Recognition (in greek)
Ph.D. Thesis, School of ECE, NTUA, December 2013. Thesis supervisor: P. Maragos.
[poster pdf]
Diploma Thesis
- A. Zlatintsi,
When the Clarinet Sounds Bad - Identification study
Master's Thesis in Music Acoustics, School of Media Technology
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden (KTH), 2006
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